March 5, 2025

Healthy About Liver

Masters of Health

The best healthy recipe boxes and food delivery services for 2022

The best healthy recipe boxes and food delivery services for 2022
best healthy recipe boxes

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Nailing your nutrition plan is, as we all know, the main battle when it comes to building your best body. And try as you may, the hard truth is that it’s nigh on impossible to out-train a bad diet.

Sure, you could still build muscle with an hour’s slog in the gym every day fuelled by oven pizzas, but if you want to see results – and quickly – the food you put into your body needs to be on point.

The effort required with meal prep and recipe selection (keeping you clear of the endless chicken and broccoli conveyor belt) can easily derail your efforts. Luckily, there’s a glut of healthy food delivery services popping up with promises to keep you on track with well-balanced meal kits and recipe boxes direct to your doorstep. No more post-workout supermarket sweep for you, sir.

Let’s tuck in.

How We Test Recipe Boxes

MH asked a panel of experts to trial the best food delivery services on offer to find those suited to every lifestyle and diet. Convenience was key, with points awarded for premium produce, reliable delivery and trustworthy recipes.

You can find their MVPs (marked with the Men’s Health Lab logo) below, plus a selection of favourites from the MH Editors, too…

The Best Recipe Boxes for Your Training Goals in 2022

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Best weekly recipe box

Gousto Joe Wicks Picks

Whether you’re on board with his “midget tree” mantra or not, there’s no denying that Joe Wicks has done a great deal when it comes to making healthy meals easy, quick and accessible to all.

As one of the early players in the recipe box game, Gousto has its winning formula down to a tee, offering a slick app, reliable delivery and a whole host of nutritious recipes to pick from. Each is broken into simple steps and ready in 40 minutes or less, making it great for a quick feed after a gruelling workout, plus there’s plenty of options for vegetarian and vegan diets, too.

Portions are generous, often leaving enough for leftover lunches (no more run-of-the-mill meal prep for us), and you can rate and repeat the recipes or skip a week when your schedule requires. It couldn’t be simpler.

Key specifications
Feeds: 2
Delivery: Nationwide, free


Best for gluten- and dairy-free options

Mindful Chef

When it comes to nutritionally focused recipe boxes, Mindful Chef raises the bar. All of the recipes are free from gluten, dairy and refined sugar, but there’s also a range of veggie and vegan options, too.

The quality of the ingredients is clear from the off, with farm fresh produce and first-class protein, including 100{6f90f2fe98827f97fd05e0011472e53c8890931f9d0d5714295052b72b9b5161} free-range, grass-fed meat and sustainably sourced fish. It’s easy to recycle the packaging with your usual household waste, plus, for every meal ordered, Mindful Chef will give a school meal to a child living in poverty.

Key specifications
Feeds: 2
Delivery: Nationwide, free


Best low-key recipe box

Simply Cook Flavour Pots

If you want the convenience of a meal kit but prefer choosing your own protein source, Simply Cook is the service for you. There are no perishable ingredients included, just four recipes in the form of pastes, rubs, marinades and spice blends, which you can adapt to whatever you have in the fridge (we see you, wilted spinach).

It’s a great for getting you out of a recipe rut and reducing food waste, without committing to a full weeks’ worth of fresh supplies.

Key specifications
Feeds: 2 to 4 people
Delivery: Nationwide, free


Best ramen recipe box

Shoryu DIY Gonsu Ramen Kit

Let it be known that ramen is not only good for the soul, but good for the gains, too, with lean protein and immune-boosting vits by the bowlful.

Don’t have time to rustle up your own 12-hour tonkotsu stock? Join the club. Thankfully, Shoryu has curated a kit complete with everything you need to rustle up a batch at home, including char siu pork, hosomen noodles, broth and garnishes.

Ready in under 30 minutes, this is packed with serious flavour, and you can always add extra chilli to fire up your cardiovascular defences in the process.

Key specifications
Feeds: 2 people
Delivery: Nationwide, £7.69


Best for weekend cook-ups

Brindisa Paella Kit with Pan

Sick of the same-old salmon and rice? Level up with this first-class paella kit courtesy of Brindisa, complete with everything you need to nail Spain’s national dish – including a keepsake pan for your kitchen arsenal.

From sweet smoked paprika to olive oil, the ingredients are top quality, making this a great gift for Father’s Day or a mate’s birthday. Just make sure you get the call up when the paella hits the table.

Key specifications
Feeds: 4 people
Delivery: Nationwide, free


MunchFit & Men’s Health Fuel


Delivered daily, this service tastes great, looks great and doesn’t feel like you’re eating health food. MH opted for the muscle-building POWER service (obvs) and we weren’t disappointed. With huge portions – starting your day with a peppered steak and grilled veg had us loosening our belt buckle before we’d even reached the office – this is one diet you won’t go hungry on.

An area where Munch Fit excels and, interestingly, a lot of other services fall short, is breakfast. The protein pancakes are exceptional. They’re also the only service that really nails a morning portion of eggs – we tip our hats to the chorizo and feta frittata.

The one thing worth noting, however, is that this meal plan requires a dedication to the schedule with little room to miss meals if you don’t want to see things you spend good money on go to waste. This food is properly fresh – a major strength that makes every mouthful delicious – but take time off because of a dinner date or business lunch and it just won’t be the same a couple of days later. It’s also the reason, though, that this plan is the ideal companion to anyone undertaking a strict transformation plan with a desire to be spoon fed in the kitchen.

Not every MH reader is after a slab of steak and side of sweet potatoes. For others the aim is to put together a plate of varied ingredients that can boost your health as well as fuelling a bulk or cut. However, knowing where to start without filling your basket with hipster-friendly avocados and little else can be tricky. Luckily this is where Soulmate come in.

As well as catering to your training plans they also fill your menu with meals chock full of Instagram-worthy ingredients. Expect chia pudding for breakfast (you’ll get used to that texture, honest) and a liberal handful of pomegranate seeds over several platefuls. While also topping up your vitamin levels it’s these little touches that make this menu a genuine pleasure to eat. Meals you look forward to eating, rather than feel obligated to force down in search of a better body. Plus, the protein shakes that come as part of the deal are far more palatable than the grainy pint you’re used to chugging from a shaker.

Top tip: a lot of the meals come with a salad in the box. Try and hook this out before sticking the main ingredients in the microwave. It’s a bit of a nuisance but the meal will be infinitely fresher and more enjoyable.

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