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Nailing your nutrition plan is, as we all know, the main battle when it comes to building your best body. And try as you may, the hard truth is that it’s nigh on impossible to out-train a bad diet.
Sure, you could still build muscle with an hour’s slog in the gym every day fuelled by oven pizzas, but if you want to see results – and quickly – the food you put into your body needs to be on point.
The effort required with meal prep and recipe selection (keeping you clear of the endless chicken and broccoli conveyor belt) can easily derail your efforts. Luckily, there’s a glut of healthy food delivery services popping up with promises to keep you on track with well-balanced meal kits and recipe boxes direct to your doorstep. No more post-workout supermarket sweep for you, sir.
Let’s tuck in.
How We Test Recipe Boxes
MH asked a panel of experts to trial the best food delivery services on offer to find those suited to every lifestyle and diet. Convenience was key, with points awarded for premium produce, reliable delivery and trustworthy recipes.
You can find their MVPs (marked with the Men’s Health Lab logo) below, plus a selection of favourites from the MH Editors, too…
The Best Recipe Boxes for Your Training Goals in 2022
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