January 21, 2025

Healthy About Liver

Masters of Health

Why is Lasik So Predominant in the Czech Republic?

Why is Lasik So Predominant in the Czech Republic?

Right now, you may be considering if Los Angeles LASIK surgery is right for you – but have you ever found yourself wondering how common it is in other parts of the world? In the Czech Republic, Lasik surgery is performed more often than in any other country in the world. Why is this? Is it because of the high quality of care available? The low cost? Or something else entirely? Let’s take a closer look at why Lasik is so popular in the Czech Republic.

The truth is, the Czech Republic is a worldwide leader in the field of ophthalmology. Many physicians in training even travel to the country to receive their professional training for this reason. If you look into the history of the field, many of the figures who made achievements in eye surgery were Czech. Some of these include Dr. Eduard Zirm (1863-1944), an ophthalmologist from the University of Leipzig who completed the first corneal transplant in history in 1905. This procedure proved that it is possible to transfer other organs into humans and unrestrictedly restore their sight without any limitations! In addition to Dr. Zirm’s grand achievement, he also published a book called Die Welt als Fühlen (The World as Feeling), where he introduced the world to the concept of emotional intelligence for the first time. In addition to that, it was Czech citizen Otto Wichterle (1913-1998) who invented contact lenses as we know them today in 1961.

Eye surgery specialists in the Czech Republic also have access to the latest technology available in the world of corrective eye surgery. Many people in Europe and beyond have chosen to travel to the Czech Republic because the cost of LASIK eye surgery is very affordable due to the country’s above average-economy. English is also spoken by many professionals in the Czech Republic who regularly serve international clients. About 27{6f90f2fe98827f97fd05e0011472e53c8890931f9d0d5714295052b72b9b5161} of the population has some degree of understanding of the language. Outside of LASIK, other types of eye cosmetic procedures are also popular. This includes blepharoplasty (eyelid lift) to correct droopy eyelids. There is also the Golden eye sequins surgery, a procedure that removes wrinkles from your eyes. It has been around for many years, but its popularity increased in recent decades due to advances made by doctors who are now able to offer better care than before with their new techniques and treatments on some forms of severe Macular Degeneration (AMD).

If you are in the United States, the good news is you do not need to travel all the way out to central Europe to receive the eye surgery you need for a great price. You can count on Excel Eye for the absolute best Los Angeles LASIK surgery. Soon, you will be able to finally say goodbye to the days of losing and breaking your expensive prescription glasses. You can choose to change your life for the better today with the help of our highly qualified team. Don’t wait: contact us now about Los Angeles laser vision correction!